The Swan

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2006 1.935 kr.
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2006 1.935 kr.

Um bókina

The Swan is a masterful work by one of Iceland’s most accomplished novelists and one of its leading fictional innovators. A nine-year old girl is sent to live and work on a country farm to serve her probation for shiplifting, a common form of punishment in Iceland. There, in a powerful, unchanging landscape, she experiences a community torn between ancient tradition and new attitudes. She confronts new and painful feelings and has to face the unknown within herself and her alien surroundings. The contrasts that Bergsson carefully develops throughout the novel, between the grotesque and the beautiful, the comical and the dramatic, come to a powerful conclusion in an almost surreal confrontation by a lake between the girl, the swan, and a lamb.

Tengdar bækur

2.990 kr.3.990 kr.
5.390 kr.
1.990 kr.3.990 kr.
Skáldið er eitt skrípatól
5.090 kr.
Þrír sneru aftur
990 kr.3.265 kr.
Litla hugsanabókin
2.685 kr.
1.490 kr.
Popol vúh
2.685 kr.
Hin eilífa þrá eftir Guðberg Bergsson
2.065 kr.
Tómas Jónsson Metsölubók
2.290 kr.
Missir eftir Guðberg Bergsson
2.190 kr.3.100 kr.
3.100 kr.
3.090 kr.
3.690 kr.5.490 kr.
3.190 kr.
4.090 kr.
3.390 kr.
6.290 kr.
1.090 kr.

