Núi and Nía on Magic Island

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2016 32 1.490 kr.

Núi and Nía on Magic Island

1.490 kr.

Núi and Nía
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2016 32 1.490 kr.

Um bókina

Far out on the mirror-smooth sea is the amazingly beautiful Magic Island, where Nui and Nia live with their friends in peace and harmony. The island is full of bustling life and unforeseeable adventures happen every day.

But the bossy pirate Pedro is never far away, and one day he puts Nui and Nia in a dangerous spot when he comes sailing in a giant umbrella and tries to steal a wisp of cloud from the islanders.

The fantasy fairy-tale world of Lína Rut has finally become a reality; she has worked on this delightful idea for many years. In collaboration with Thorgrímur Thráinsson, who provides the text to her beautiful illustrations, the fairy tale comes to life.

Tengdar bækur

1.990 kr.4.490 kr.
Allt hold er hey
990 kr.2.590 kr.
990 kr.4.190 kr.
Ertu guð afi? eftir Þorgrím Þráinsson
990 kr.3.190 kr.
3.090 kr.
3.790 kr.
4.490 kr.
1.890 kr.
2.190 kr.

