
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2023 184 4.290 kr.
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2023 184 4.290 kr.

Um bókina

The Icelandic horse has endured much during its millennium of service to a hard people in a cold land. Blazing trails through lava fields, shuttling between far-flung fjords, starved, drowned and even brought back from the dead. Here we see Iceland’s hardiest helper from every angle, the same beast who first set hoof on Iceland’s shores in the 9th century, through stories free from all the hype and schmaltz of the tourist brochures.

With their first book, Birds, Hjörleifur Hjartarson and Rán Flygenring dazzled us with Iceland’s fascinating feathered friends. Now they’re back in the saddle with their unique take on Iceland’s iconic equine.


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