Hearing the Land speak

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Kilja 2016 60 590 kr.

Hearing the Land speak

590 kr.

Hearing the land speak
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Kilja 2016 60 590 kr.

Um bókina


This book is small, but contains a lot of practical information on safe travel in Iceland. In the first main part, Iceland – charming, safe and dangerous. In the second part, The living nature and culture. You can learn something interesting about animals, birds and plants in Iceland and the people and their culture.

The third part, Icelandic and place names, gives you information about the language and how to understand the place names, and what these names can tell you about the life in Iceland through the centuries. And how interwoven these three factors are in Iceland; the land, the people and the language. Iceland is different, and offers a great variety of landscape and nature, but it is also somewhat “wild”. It is good to be prepared for the interesting challenges you could meet there.

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4.590 kr.
2.590 kr.
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14.890 kr.

