22 Must Places in Iceland – Chinese

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2015 2.490 kr.

22 Must Places in Iceland – Chinese

2.490 kr.

22 Places Chinese
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2015 2.490 kr.

Um bókina

Must 22 is a series of inspirational travel books which combine accurate information on key locations in individual countries and outstanding photography. The books are carefully packaged by awarded designers and written by a team of experienced travel writers. The Must 22 series is designed to inspire the armchair traveller and to provide a reliable source of information for the visitor.

This edition reveals twenty-two places you just can’t miss when you come to Iceland. The island is sparsely populated and the enormity of nature dominates it wherever you look – in contrast to the warmth of the people who make themselves known at every opportunity, parading the cultural heritage of the 1,200 years that the island has been populated. Even once you’ve seen these 22 places, you’re still far from uncovering all of Iceland’s secrets. But you will have come a little closer to understanding why this enigmatic rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is one of the most peculiar, yet more charming places in the world.

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