The Magic of Snæfellsjökull

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2014 112 1.695 kr.

The Magic of Snæfellsjökull

1.695 kr.

Magic of Snæfellsjökull
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2014 112 1.695 kr.

Um bókina

The area around Snæfellsjökull has always been shrouded with mystique, ever since the first shaman.

Bárður Snæfellsás settled there in the 10th century. Ceremonial caves, elf dwellings, poetry challenges with the devil at Þúfubjarg, UFO’s which were to land in the vortex between Snæfellsjökull and Mt. Stapafell, exorcism of a poltergeist and other stories make the land come alive.

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