Does anyone actually eat this?

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2014 73 2.190 kr.

Does anyone actually eat this?

2.190 kr.

Does anyone actually eat this
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2014 73 2.190 kr.

Um bókina

This richly illustrated book describes some Icelandic delicacies that often draw the attention of visitors for various reasons and invite questions such as:

“What is this?”
“How do you make it?”
“Where does it come from?”
“When is it eaten?”

and, in some cases, “Does anyone actually eat this?”

1 umsögn um Does anyone actually eat this?

  1. Bjarni Guðmarsson

    „The author learned old food traditions at a young age and is now Iceland’s best known food writer.“
    Entertainment Monthly

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