Sorcerer’s Screed: The Icelandic Book of Magic Spells

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2016 181 3.390 kr.

Sorcerer’s Screed: The Icelandic Book of Magic Spells

3.390 kr.

Sorcerer's Screed
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2016 181 3.390 kr.

Um bókina

Would you like to increase your prosperity, secure the love of the man or woman of your dreams, seek protection from evil forces or grumpy neighbours, catch a liar or raise the dead? If so, the Sorcerer‘s Screed is just the book for you.

The spells have been adherent to Scandinavian history and culture for centuries and Icelanders have been using magic spells from the first settlement for everyday purposes as well as the more unorthodox.

The Sorcerer’s Screed is the world‘s most comprehensive collection of Nordic spells. Each spell comes with a diagram and specific instructions for their use and purpose.

The book was first published in 1940 in the annual but limited publication Jólagjöfin (Yule Present). The author himself, Skuggi (Jochum Magnús Eggertsson, 1896-1966), had handwritten the text and drawn the diagrams.

This is a revised edition of the original publication where all symbols and runes have been graphically redrawn, a project lead by the designer Arnar Fells Gunnarsson who also designed the book and it’s beautiful and accessible layout.


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