Tulipop: The Muffinpuffin

Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2020 24 2.990 kr.

Tulipop: The Muffinpuffin

2.990 kr.

The Muffinpuffin
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2020 24 2.990 kr.

Um bókina

The second book in the Tulipop Tales series, which is based on the beloved characters of the Icelandic fantasy world Tulipop.

The Muffinpuffin tells the story of when Fred and Gloomy stumble upon a muffinpuffin, a rare bird, in the Mushroom Swamp. Then the question is, should they eat it? Or look after it?

The story was written by Signý Kolbeinsdóttir, Tulipop’s co-founder and the creator of the Tulipop world, with the renowned English script writer, Davey Moore, and the bestselling Icelandic author, Gunnar Helgason.

The book is 32 pages, hardcover and beautifully illustrated by Signý. It is perfect for kids from around four to eight years old – and hopefully the whole family will also enjoy it!

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